Job Sees The Light - Thirtieth in a series
Hover over the Scripture references to read the verses under discussion
There are times when it is important to share about our lives as Christians. These moments arise when we are with those in need of encouragement, or we may be asked to present our ‘testimony’ to a group.
If the Lord provided special wisdom, a material gift or divine deliverance in a time of crisis, hearing about our experience may encourage a fellow believer.
However, believers do not normally tout their good works and describe their Christian demeanor to others. These are either in view, or if not, they are not to be mentioned (Mat 6:4-18). An exception would be if a person had to recount an activity to prove his whereabouts or corroborate an account of another person.
Paul did boast about his tribulations for Christ (2 Cor 11:22-33) and briefly noted his credentials for apostleship (2 Cor 12:12), and this was to establish his integrity to the wayward Corinthians.
Perhaps we might see Job’s testimony in Chapter 29 in this light.
Job 29:1-2 NIV The Chapter begins with Job mourning his loss of companionship with God. "The pathos of the whole book is in these words." (ref)
Job 29:3 NIV In the past when Job faced challenges, he had felt God’s hand of guidance. It is not so now.
Job 29:4 KJV The word ‘secret’ means God’s wisdom that is given only to those in his inner circle.
Job 29:5 NIV He has lost fellowship with God and his children are departed.
As we consider Job’s immense losses, we are deeply perplexed. What should Job's attitude be? What would ours be?
Job 29:6-11 NIV Job’s thoughts turn to the time when he was prosperous and respected. Most likely he was on the city council, with a seat in the square. His judgment was valued by young and old, and he enjoyed the praise of his contemporaries.
Job 29:12-17 NIV Job had been a good man who watched over the poor, disabled and dying. He consciously sought to be godly and to oppose evildoers.
Job 29:18-20 NIV He had enjoyed many days of strength and vigor, so many that it did not occur to him they would end.
Job 29:21-25 NIV Job had championed the underdog and disenfranchised; he ruled with compassion, was not a snob, and was loved by suffering souls as well as men of position.
His wisdom satisfied all. He understood the requirements of the Lord very well. (Micah 6:8)
Considering all this, what room did Job have for improvement? Why would God permit his demise and then leave him in despair for this unbearable time period?
For a man, the loss of position and reputation is a severe downfall. But perhaps there is no greater grief than the death of children. Strong grief, like the unbounded, treacherous flooding of a river, can rend a heart and make it pliable for God to reshape. But what reformation did Job need?
He enjoyed serving God. It was his way of life.
What was Job doing wrong?