
RSSBlog (202)

Date Title Comments Rating
2022-07-21 The reason for rejoicing 0 None
2022-07-15 The right hand 0 None
2022-07-07 He gave gifts to men 0 None
2022-06-30 He led captivity captive 0 None
2022-06-23 The omnipresent Lord nevertheless has a physical body 0 None
2022-06-16 Did Christ ascend twice or once? 0 None
2022-06-09 The Forty Days leading to the Ascension 0 None
2022-06-02 In the Ascension we behold the Trinity 0 None
2021-04-18 Perspectives on Job 0 None
2021-04-11 Was blind but now I see 0 None
2021-04-05 Mission accomplished! 0 None
2021-03-21 A change of heart 0 None
2021-03-14 God Preached Creation 0 None
2021-03-07 The Error of Legalism 0 None
2021-02-28 Worldly wisdom 0 None
2021-02-21 Change on the horizon 0 None
2021-02-14 Our God is not a legalist 0 None
2021-02-07 Who is Elihu, really? 0 None
2021-01-31 Is Elihu a Christ figure to Job? 0 None
2021-01-25 The debut of Elihu 0 None
2021-01-17 Job has paid his way! 0 None
2021-01-12 Tipping point 0 None
2021-01-03 Was Job doing anything wrong? 0 None
2020-12-23 Searching for treasure 0 None
2020-11-27 In the fight of his lfe 0 None
2020-11-22 War of words 0 None
2020-11-15 The Son of Man 0 None
2020-11-09 Job fights for his integrity 0 None
2020-11-01 The agony of being earnest 0 None
2020-10-25 Hard testing 0 None
2020-10-20 Tracing out the ways of God 0 None
2020-10-11 Perception is different from knowing 0 None
2020-10-04 Job’s wish is God’s command 0 None
2020-09-29 Bildad's venom 0 None
2020-09-20 Hope may fail 0 None
2020-09-13 Kept from falling 0 None
2020-09-06 Speaking for Satan 0 None
2020-08-30 Contending with God 0 None
2020-08-23 With what shall I come before the LORD? 0 None
2020-08-16 Job knows who God is 0 None
2020-08-06 The vise of love 0 None
2020-08-02 Job feels jilted 0 None
2020-07-26 An Intercessor is needed 0 None
2020-07-20 If we would worship the Giver 0 None
2020-07-13 Work out your salvation 0 None
2020-07-07 A friend in need 0 None
2020-06-29 Get right with God! 0 None
2020-06-23 Discouraging words 0 None
2020-06-15 How did Job define himself? 0 None
2020-06-09 Though the Lord removes the hedge of his protection 0 None
2020-06-01 You have an adversary 0 None
2020-04-10 A Framework for Emphases 0 None
2020-03-30 Thanksgiving on Good Friday 0 None
2020-03-17 Whose dating system? 0 None
2020-03-07 The holiday that helps 0 None
2020-02-21 Just think of the consolations! 0 None
2020-02-16 Consolation in Grief 0 None
2020-02-09 Compensations are consoling 0 None
2020-02-02 Consoled by Praise 0 None
2020-01-24 The consolaton of hymns 0 None
2020-01-15 Consolations for Overcomers, Part 2 0 None
2020-01-10 Consolations for Overcomers, Part 1 0 None
2020-01-04 The Consoling Personal Word 0 None
2019-12-06 Objections to Christmas Answered 0 None
2019-11-30 Christmas and Protestants 0 None
2019-11-25 The consolation in fellow believers 0 None
2019-11-21 Consolation in Creeds 0 None
2019-11-14 God's Consoling Presence Part 2 0 None
2019-11-08 God's Consoling Presence Part 1 0 None
2019-10-29 The Consolation of Certainty 0 None
2019-10-22 The Sum of Comfort 0 None
2019-10-17 Job's Revelation 0 None
2019-10-07 Are the consolations of God small with thee? 0 None
2019-10-03 A Call for Thanksgiving 0 None
2019-09-22 The Many Faces of Remembering 0 None
2019-09-09 Remembering God's Words 0 None
2019-09-02 Awe in Remembrance 0 None
2019-08-27 Providential Grace 0 None
2019-08-19 Can anyone enumerate the works of God? 0 None
2019-08-12 Remembering God as Creator 0 None
2019-08-05 Forget not all his benefits 0 None
2019-07-30 God favors his followers 0 None
2019-07-22 Improve God's remembrance of you 0 None
2019-07-15 Fully Remembered 0 None
2019-07-08 In wrath, remember mercy 0 None
2019-06-30 Remembrance and its opposite 0 None
2019-06-10 The Name Game 0 None
2019-06-06 Ten to Two 0 None
2019-05-27 Lions Like Daniel 0 None
2019-05-20 The Lord's Prayer for Juniors 0 None
2019-05-13 Scrutinizing Scripture lesson for middlers 0 None
2019-05-06 Acting out parables, part two, and more 0 None
2019-04-30 Acting out parables, part one 0 None
2019-04-24 The Widows Quiz 0 None
2019-04-10 Pick a Riddle 0 None
2019-04-10 Unknown quantities 0 None
2019-03-31 Words of assurance, adoration and praise 0 4
2019-03-26 Choosing tactics by the Spirit 0 None
2019-03-18 Honest and dishonest sinners 0 None
2019-03-12 Peter and Jude 0 None
2019-03-04 Sociopathic spots 0 None
2019-02-25 Enlightened by Cain, Balaam and Korah 0 None
2019-02-18 Respect for the Devil 0 None
2019-02-12 Three rebellious types 0 None
2019-02-04 How to contend for the Faith 0 None
2019-01-28 Change that proves eternal verities 0 None
2019-01-21 Hoping for Mercy 0 None
2019-01-14 A coveted stature 0 None
2019-01-07 Welcoming Love 0 None
2019-01-01 Who is my brother? Who am I? 0 None
2018-12-10 Elijah in view 0 None
2018-12-03 Weary in well doing, or worse 0 None
2018-11-27 Fully engaged in worship 0 None
2018-11-19 The Messenger of the Covenant 0 None
2018-11-14 Crocodile tears and coverup 0 None
2018-11-05 Who was Malachi? 0 None
2018-10-30 Be a Phinehas! 0 None
2018-10-24 God's Name Is 777 0 None
2018-10-16 Be a good witness 0 None
2018-10-10 God IS here 0 None
2018-10-01 Give of your best to the One who intercedes for you 0 None
2018-09-23 O priests, that despise my name 0 None
2018-09-19 The postexilic posture 0 None
2018-09-12 Debilitating doubt 0 None
2018-09-03 Reaching for Malachi, marching forward 0 None
2018-08-22 I have seen the Lord! 0 None
2018-08-14 Magnify the Lord with Mary 0 None
2018-08-06 A wonderful deliverance 0 None
2018-08-01 Power in Prayer and Benediction 0 None
2018-07-25 Men rejoicing with women 0 None
2018-07-17 The woman saw a sword... 0 None
2018-07-07 Women Rejoicing with Men 0 None
2018-06-26 The Most Courageous Man in the World 0 None
2018-06-19 The varieties of courage 0 None
2018-06-13 The opposite of courage, part 4 - Peter 0 None
2018-06-04 The opposite of courage, part 3 - Gideon 0 None
2018-05-29 The opposite of courage, part 2 - Saul 0 None
2018-05-23 The opposite of courage, part 1 - Cain 0 None
2018-05-15 Josiah's courage, part 2 0 None
2018-05-07 Josiah's courage, part 1 0 None
2018-04-30 Don't assume the worst, no matter what 0 None
2018-04-23 Find courage in fellowship 0 None
2018-04-16 A lasting commandment 0 None
2018-04-11 Be of good courage 0 None
2018-04-06 The River of Life 0 None
2018-04-06 The Jordan 0 None
2018-03-29 The Euphrates 0 None
2018-03-20 The Kishon 0 None
2018-03-13 The Nile 0 None
2018-03-06 A glimpse of the River 0 None
2018-02-28 Introduced in a River 0 None
2018-02-20 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 0 None
2018-02-13 But deliver us from evil 0 None
2018-02-07 And lead us not into temptation 0 None
2018-01-30 And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors 0 None
2018-01-22 Give us this day our daily bread 0 None
2018-01-17 Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven 0 None
2018-01-10 Thy Kingdom come 0 None
2018-01-02 Hallowed be thy Name 0 None
2017-12-27 Which art in heaven 0 None
2017-12-19 Our Father 0 None
2017-12-12 Consider the "Our" 0 None
2017-12-06 Desperation Discoveries 0 None
2017-11-29 Amalek in Esther 0 5
2017-11-28 Divided worlds 0 None
2017-11-20 The Amalekites burn down David's refuge! 0 None
2017-11-15 No nemesis here - Amalek not eradicated! 0 None
2017-11-09 The defeat of our enemies before we begin to fight them 0 None
2017-10-30 The first shall be last or even worse! 0 None
2017-10-14 A just sentence 0 None
2017-10-04 War! Why? 0 None
2017-10-04 An outcast may come in 0 None
2017-10-03 Amalek is born 0 None
2017-09-21 Be Goaded 0 None
2017-09-12 Turn your back on the past 0 None
2017-09-04 Of things hoped for 0 None
2017-08-23 Faith is the assurance 0 5
2017-08-23 Half-hearted, or even less 0 None
2017-08-20 Beware your Egyptian contracts 0 None
2017-08-12 Overreaching leads to failure 0 None
2017-08-09 A Greater than Solomon... 0 None
2017-08-03 God answers prayer 0 None
2017-08-03 Love... to the point of distraction 0 None
2017-07-26 Don't forget... 0 None
2017-07-26 Born to build 0 None
2017-07-18 Hating Solomon 0 None
2017-07-18 Losing Divine Protection 0 None
2017-07-17 A loose cannon on the side of the law? 0 5
2017-07-11 Bathsheba's innocent mistake 0 None
2017-07-11 Unfinished Business 0 None
2017-07-11 A Simple Matter 0 None
2017-07-10 Beloved 0 None
2017-07-09 Loving the outsider 0 5
2017-07-02 Repentance never fails 0 None
2017-07-02 A warning from the past 0 5
2017-06-25 Enjoying Zion Now 0 None
2017-06-16 Looking back, and looking forward to Zion! 0 None
2017-06-10 Where are your fountains? 0 None
2017-06-07 Have you been delayed on your way to Zion? 0 None
2017-05-27 Set your sights on obedience 0 None
2017-05-07 The Head of Goliath 0 None
2017-05-07 Zion 0 None

RSSSolomon (22)

Date Title Comments Rating
2017-09-21 Be Goaded 0 None
2017-09-12 Turn your back on the past 0 None
2017-09-04 Of things hoped for 0 None
2017-08-23 Faith is the assurance 0 5
2017-08-23 Half-hearted, or even less 0 None
2017-08-20 Beware your Egyptian contracts 0 None
2017-08-12 Overreaching leads to failure 0 None
2017-08-09 A Greater than Solomon... 0 None
2017-08-03 God answers prayer 0 None
2017-08-03 Love... to the point of distraction 0 None
2017-07-26 Don't forget... 0 None
2017-07-26 Born to build 0 None
2017-07-18 Hating Solomon 0 None
2017-07-18 Losing Divine Protection 0 None
2017-07-17 A loose cannon on the side of the law? 0 5
2017-07-11 Bathsheba's innocent mistake 0 None
2017-07-11 Unfinished Business 0 None
2017-07-11 A Simple Matter 0 None
2017-07-10 Beloved 0 None
2017-07-09 Loving the outsider 0 5
2017-07-02 Repentance never fails 0 None
2017-07-02 A warning from the past 0 5

RSSThe Ascension (9)

Date Title Comments Rating
2022-07-21 The reason for rejoicing 0 None
2022-07-15 The right hand 0 None
2022-07-07 He gave gifts to men 0 None
2022-06-30 He led captivity captive 0 None
2022-06-23 The omnipresent Lord nevertheless has a physical body 0 None
2022-06-16 Did Christ ascend twice or once? 0 None
2022-06-09 The Forty Days leading to the Ascension 0 None
2022-06-02 In the Ascension we behold the Trinity 0 None
2022-05-26 When I soar to worlds unknown, see Thee... 0 None

RSSZion (7)

Date Title Comments Rating
2017-06-25 Enjoying Zion Now 0 None
2017-06-16 Looking back, and looking forward to Zion! 0 None
2017-06-10 Where are your fountains? 0 None
2017-06-07 Have you been delayed on your way to Zion? 0 None
2017-05-27 Set your sights on obedience 0 None
2017-05-07 The Head of Goliath 0 None
2017-05-07 Zion 0 None

RSSConsolations (16)

Date Title Comments Rating
2020-02-21 Just think of the consolations! 0 None
2020-02-16 Consolation in Grief 0 None
2020-02-09 Compensations are consoling 0 None
2020-02-02 Consoled by Praise 0 None
2020-01-24 The consolaton of hymns 0 None
2020-01-15 Consolations for Overcomers, Part 2 0 None
2020-01-10 Consolations for Overcomers, Part 1 0 None
2020-01-04 The Consoling Personal Word 0 None
2019-11-25 The consolation in fellow believers 0 None
2019-11-21 Consolation in Creeds 0 None
2019-11-14 God's Consoling Presence Part 2 0 None
2019-11-08 God's Consoling Presence Part 1 0 None
2019-10-29 The Consolation of Certainty 0 None
2019-10-22 The Sum of Comfort 0 None
2019-10-17 Job's Revelation 0 None
2019-10-07 Are the consolations of God small with thee? 0 None

RSSCourage (12)

Date Title Comments Rating
2018-06-26 The Most Courageous Man in the World 0 None
2018-06-19 The varieties of courage 0 None
2018-06-13 The opposite of courage, part 4 - Peter 0 None
2018-06-04 The opposite of courage, part 3 - Gideon 0 None
2018-05-29 The opposite of courage, part 2 - Saul 0 None
2018-05-23 The opposite of courage, part 1 - Cain 0 None
2018-05-15 Josiah's courage, part 2 0 None
2018-05-07 Josiah's courage, part 1 0 None
2018-04-30 Don't assume the worst, no matter what 0 None
2018-04-23 Find courage in fellowship 0 None
2018-04-16 A lasting commandment 0 None
2018-04-11 Be of good courage 0 None

RSSJob (44)

Date Title Comments Rating
2021-04-18 Perspectives on Job 0 None
2021-04-11 Was blind but now I see 0 None
2021-04-05 Mission accomplished! 0 None
2021-03-21 A change of heart 0 None
2021-03-14 God Preached Creation 0 None
2021-03-07 The Error of Legalism 0 None
2021-02-28 Worldly wisdom 0 None
2021-02-21 Change on the horizon 0 None
2021-02-14 Our God is not a legalist 0 None
2021-02-07 Who is Elihu, really? 0 None
2021-01-31 Is Elihu a Christ figure to Job? 0 None
2021-01-25 The debut of Elihu 0 None
2021-01-17 Job has paid his way! 0 None
2021-01-12 Tipping point 0 None
2021-01-03 Was Job doing anything wrong? 0 None
2020-12-23 Searching for treasure 0 None
2020-11-27 In the fight of his lfe 0 None
2020-11-22 War of words 0 None
2020-11-15 The Son of Man 0 None
2020-11-09 Job fights for his integrity 0 None
2020-11-01 The agony of being earnest 0 None
2020-10-25 Hard testing 0 None
2020-10-20 Tracing out the ways of God 0 None
2020-10-11 Perception is different from knowing 0 None
2020-10-04 Job’s wish is God’s command 0 None
2020-09-29 Bildad's venom 0 None
2020-09-20 Hope may fail 0 None
2020-09-13 Kept from falling 0 None
2020-09-06 Speaking for Satan 0 None
2020-08-30 Contending with God 0 None
2020-08-23 With what shall I come before the LORD? 0 None
2020-08-16 Job knows who God is 0 None
2020-08-06 The vise of love 0 None
2020-08-02 Job feels jilted 0 None
2020-07-26 An Intercessor is needed 0 None
2020-07-20 If we would worship the Giver 0 None
2020-07-13 Work out your salvation 0 None
2020-07-07 A friend in need 0 None
2020-06-29 Get right with God! 0 None
2020-06-23 Discouraging words 0 None
2020-06-15 How did Job define himself? 0 None
2020-06-09 Though the Lord removes the hedge of his protection 0 None
2020-06-01 You have an adversary 0 None
2020-05-16 Job: In a class with Noah and Daniel 0 None

RSSJude (14)

Date Title Comments Rating
2019-03-31 Words of assurance, adoration and praise 0 4
2019-03-26 Choosing tactics by the Spirit 0 None
2019-03-18 Honest and dishonest sinners 0 None
2019-03-12 Peter and Jude 0 None
2019-03-04 Sociopathic spots 0 None
2019-02-25 Enlightened by Cain, Balaam and Korah 0 None
2019-02-18 Respect for the Devil 0 None
2019-02-12 Three rebellious types 0 None
2019-02-04 How to contend for the Faith 0 None
2019-01-28 Change that proves eternal verities 0 None
2019-01-21 Hoping for Mercy 0 None
2019-01-14 A coveted stature 0 None
2019-01-07 Welcoming Love 0 None
2019-01-01 Who is my brother? Who am I? 0 None

RSSMalachi (15)

Date Title Comments Rating
2018-12-10 Elijah in view 0 None
2018-12-03 Weary in well doing, or worse 0 None
2018-11-27 Fully engaged in worship 0 None
2018-11-19 The Messenger of the Covenant 0 None
2018-11-14 Crocodile tears and coverup 0 None
2018-11-05 Who was Malachi? 0 None
2018-10-30 Be a Phinehas! 0 None
2018-10-24 God's Name Is 777 0 None
2018-10-16 Be a good witness 0 None
2018-10-10 God IS here 0 None
2018-10-01 Give of your best to the One who intercedes for you 0 None
2018-09-23 O priests, that despise my name 0 None
2018-09-19 The postexilic posture 0 None
2018-09-12 Debilitating doubt 0 None
2018-09-03 Reaching for Malachi, marching forward 0 None

RSSRejoicing Women (7)

Date Title Comments Rating
2018-08-22 I have seen the Lord! 0 None
2018-08-14 Magnify the Lord with Mary 0 None
2018-08-06 A wonderful deliverance 0 None
2018-08-01 Power in Prayer and Benediction 0 None
2018-07-25 Men rejoicing with women 0 None
2018-07-17 The woman saw a sword... 0 None
2018-07-07 Women Rejoicing with Men 0 None

RSSRemembrance (12)

Date Title Comments Rating
2019-09-22 The Many Faces of Remembering 0 None
2019-09-09 Remembering God's Words 0 None
2019-09-02 Awe in Remembrance 0 None
2019-08-27 Providential Grace 0 None
2019-08-19 Can anyone enumerate the works of God? 0 None
2019-08-12 Remembering God as Creator 0 None
2019-08-05 Forget not all his benefits 0 None
2019-07-30 God favors his followers 0 None
2019-07-22 Improve God's remembrance of you 0 None
2019-07-15 Fully Remembered 0 None
2019-07-08 In wrath, remember mercy 0 None
2019-06-30 Remembrance and its opposite 0 None

RSSSunday (10)

Date Title Comments Rating
2019-06-10 The Name Game 0 None
2019-06-06 Ten to Two 0 None
2019-05-27 Lions Like Daniel 0 None
2019-05-20 The Lord's Prayer for Juniors 0 None
2019-05-13 Scrutinizing Scripture lesson for middlers 0 None
2019-05-06 Acting out parables, part two, and more 0 None
2019-04-30 Acting out parables, part one 0 None
2019-04-24 The Widows Quiz 0 None
2019-04-10 Pick a Riddle 0 None
2019-04-10 Unknown quantities 0 None

RSSThanksgivings (7)

Date Title Comments Rating
2020-04-10 A Framework for Emphases 0 None
2020-03-30 Thanksgiving on Good Friday 0 None
2020-03-17 Whose dating system? 0 None
2020-03-07 The holiday that helps 0 None
2019-12-06 Objections to Christmas Answered 0 None
2019-11-30 Christmas and Protestants 0 None
2019-10-03 A Call for Thanksgiving 0 None

RSSThe Amalekites (10)

Date Title Comments Rating
2017-11-29 Amalek in Esther 0 5
2017-11-28 Divided worlds 0 None
2017-11-20 The Amalekites burn down David's refuge! 0 None
2017-11-15 No nemesis here - Amalek not eradicated! 0 None
2017-11-09 The defeat of our enemies before we begin to fight them 0 None
2017-10-30 The first shall be last or even worse! 0 None
2017-10-14 A just sentence 0 None
2017-10-04 War! Why? 0 None
2017-10-04 An outcast may come in 0 None
2017-10-03 Amalek is born 0 None

RSSThe Little Book of the Revelation (19)

Date Title Comments Rating
2021-12-29 Glorifying God 0 None
2021-12-28 Before the bowl judgments are emptied 0 None
2021-12-27 Only a remnant will be saved 0 None
2021-12-26 The Little Book closes 0 None
2021-12-22 Overcome 0 None
2021-12-15 Witnessing Power 0 None
2021-12-12 Looking for the rescue 0 None
2021-12-08 The two witnesses 0 None
2021-12-05 'This one was born in Zion' 0 None
2021-12-01 The Little Book and the second woe 0 None
2021-11-28 The second to last trumpet; comparisons 0 None
2021-11-24 Time to think 0 None
2021-11-21 God will help us 0 None
2021-11-17 The journey ahead 0 4
2021-11-14 The companions of God 0 None
2021-11-10 A more drastic scene 0 None
2021-11-07 Things that are 0 None
2021-11-03 Things that were and are 0 None
2021-11-01 In the course of the wonders 0 5

RSSThe Lord's Prayer (12)

Date Title Comments Rating
2018-02-20 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 0 None
2018-02-13 But deliver us from evil 0 None
2018-02-07 And lead us not into temptation 0 None
2018-01-30 And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors 0 None
2018-01-22 Give us this day our daily bread 0 None
2018-01-17 Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven 0 None
2018-01-10 Thy Kingdom come 0 None
2018-01-02 Hallowed be thy Name 0 None
2017-12-27 Which art in heaven 0 None
2017-12-19 Our Father 0 None
2017-12-12 Consider the "Our" 0 None
2017-12-06 Desperation Discoveries 0 None

RSSThe River (7)

Date Title Comments Rating
2018-04-06 The River of Life 0 None
2018-04-06 The Jordan 0 None
2018-03-29 The Euphrates 0 None
2018-03-20 The Kishon 0 None
2018-03-13 The Nile 0 None
2018-03-06 A glimpse of the River 0 None
2018-02-28 Introduced in a River 0 None

Uncategorized (2)

Date Title Comments Rating
2015-09-07 O priests, that despise my name 0 None
2012-01-21 On the verge of becoming... God? 0 None


225 posts
10 raters