Solomonic: marked by notable wisdom, reasonableness, or discretion especially under trying circumstances. (from the Merriam-Webster dictionary)
During the late winter and in spring of 2012 I pursued a Bible study on Solomon, creating a Solomon Series on SisterSite. SisterSite was offline for a time, and reappeared in Spring 2017. Recently I edited some of the posts of the Solomon Series and will republish it now. A general outline follows.
- Posts 1 - 8
- Understanding how David's sins and repentance affected the path of Solomon
- Learning more about David's advice to Solomon when he became king, and studying the history of how it was implemented
- Post 9
- Acknowledging that Solomon is not a popular Bible figure among commentators but encouraging appreciation for him
- Posts 10 - 11
- More about Solomon, the master builder and man
- Posts 12 - 17
- Solomon's downturn, why, how far he fell; application to our lives with a suggestion that the Song of Songs may serve to warn the wise
- Posts 18 - 20
- A review of Solomon's insights, angst and repentance expressed in Ecclesiastes, and of two Psalms related to his reign
- Post 21
- A view to Solomon's proverbs, all which he attributed to the One Shepherd (Ec 12:11)
Solomon's final warning to his son at the end of Ecclesiastes is: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Ec 12:13, 14) This is a good warning.