The Widows Quiz

RuthAt times a teacher may need an exercise to help students start to think before presenting the lesson. A substitute teacher may need a lesson or idea, or if the curriculum materials don't arrive on time, there may be a need for alternatives. Youth groups often enjoy lessons and quizzes that encourage thinking and discussion.

Some materials are posted on the Children’s blog on this site.

Today’s post is a Widows Quiz. Click on the image to open the Pdf file. The answers are on page 2. Feel free to print or revise as you wish.

Most churches have widows in their congregations. The quiz helps young people think about them and develop concern for them. There can be discussion on how widows today may be different from those of previous centuries, or if not, why.

This exercise is for advanced Bible students. If you use it with less knowledgeable students, you can give hints such as giving the Scripture reference of the verse, or if using this quiz for an entire class period, have students read each Bible verse aloud. Then, when asked to fill in the answers, they will simply need to think of what they just read and call on their short-term memory. Prayer for the church’s widows can be an ending for the exercise.

Pick a Riddle

question markIn a youth group or perhaps on the first Sunday of the start of a new curriculum where new people join the class, there may be a need for an "ice-breaker" activity. Pick a Riddle, Tell a Riddle is a good exercise to warm up the class. “Warm up” activities can help students to focus and to concentrate.

Click on the picture to open the .Pdf sheets which are suitable for printing. On most sheets there are dashed lines separating the riddles/brain teasers. Cut the papers into strips and fold the strips into small squares. Put the squares in a basket and pass the basket, asking each student to draw out a square or two. Then, go around the class and have each student tell their riddle. If no one can guess the answer, the student tells it.

By getting each youth involved in sharing something funny or provoking, a relaxing or convivial atmosphere is created, which enables more important sharing to take place. Of course, the most important influence is to open the class with prayer.

I found the riddles on the .Pdf on various websites and in other resources and take no credit for any of them.

Unknown quantities

Who are the children in your Sunday School class or Youth Group? How much do they know about the Bible? Where should you begin to teach them? Here is a quiz that will help you know how advanced or unknowledgeable each one is.

lambsIf you find that some juniors know much more than others, you can decide how to make the best of the situation. If you offer take-home assignments such as memory work, with the promise of a candy bar (or other small prize) for those who perform well, everyone can participate no matter what their level of understanding.

Also, reading aloud in class followed by discussion does not favor the unprepared.

Click on the image to download the quiz for Juniors.